Wing Plow

2 Equipment Pieces in 1

By using one plow to both push and stack tons of snow, you eliminate the need for multiple pieces of equipment at the job site. The patented, fold-back wing plow design lets you reduce the plow size by up to 50% for unsurpassed maneuverability, ease of transport, and when conditions call for a smaller plow size.



By using one plow to both push and stack tons of snow, you eliminate the need for multiple pieces of equipment at the job site.


We reduced the plow size by up to 50% for unsurpassed maneuverability, ease of transport, and when conditions call for a smaller plow size.


Up to 35 degree hydro-turning in both directions adds further flexibility and efficiency to your snow plowing.

SIZES 14 - 20 FEET

The Daniels Wing Plows are available in four sizes from 14 to 20 feet. Larger sizes built to order upon request.

Daniels Wing Plows also are available with options such as the Patented Pusher Kit for better performance. Curb guards can also be added for durability. The Daniels Wing Plow also can be equipped to mount to virtually any machine with quick couplers for wheel loaders and skid steers, as well as tractors without a front end boom.

Standard Options

  • Hydraulic cylinder roads are black nitride treated for 5x corrosion resistance and extreme durability.
  • Double-acting cylinders w /max. strije at 35 degrees
  • Cushioning Relief Valve
  • Double Wing Hinge Design
  • Reversible Steel Wear Edges

Available Options

  • Patented Pusher Kit
  • Curb Guards
  • Skid Shoes

Patented Pusher Kit

  • Featuring our exclusive spring-loaded trip design
  • Keeps snow in front of the blade
  • Prevents snow from spilling over the sides
  • Increases capacity up to 45%
  • Available in all sizes

Wing Plow Specifications

Model Number 3412! 3414 3416 3418 3420
Plow Width 12′ 14′ 16′ 18′ 20′
Center Plow 8′ 10′ 10′ 12′ 12′
Each Wing 2′ 2′ 3′ 3′ 4′
Width Hydro-Turned with wings closed 6’9″ 8’6″ 8’6″ 10’6″ 10’6″
Width Hydro-Turned with wings open 10′ 11’6″ 13’1″ 14’8″ 16’4″
Plow Construction
Material 10 ga. 10 ga. 10 ga. 10 ga. 10 ga.
Height 34″ 34″ 34″ 34″ 34″
Vertical Reinforcing Ribs:
Material 1/4″ 1/4″ 1/4″ 1/4″ 1/4″
Number 10 11 11 13 13
Hinged Tripping Points 5 5 5 7 7
King Pin Diameter 2 1/2″ 2 1/2″ 2 1/2″ 2 1/2″ 2 1/2″
Trip Springs 2 2 4 4 6
Shipping Wt. (lbs.) 2550 2900 3050 3400 4000
Wear Edge
3/4″ x 8″ 3/4″ x 8″ 3/4″ x 8″ 3/4″ x 8″ 3/4″ x 8″
Recommended Wheel Loader Size
14′ 10,000 to 15,000 lbs.
16′ 18,000 to 23,000 lbs.
18′ 20,000 to 25,000 lbs.
20′ 23,000 to 32,000 lbs.
Wing Plow with pusher kits
add 3,000-5,000 lbs.